onMouseOut=MM_swapImgRestore() onMouseOver=MM_swapImage('Image16','','images3/nav-bar2-ON_06.gif',1)>


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We couldn't agree more! In fact, we URGE you to order our samples and compare them with our competitors' (if they offer them). Our cards are THE BEST anywhere, both in terms of photo-realistic, full-color, 2-sided quality AND in terms of price. We guarantee our quality and our price: You will not find a better deal, PERIOD.

The only way to guarantee for yourself that you're getting the best deal possible for your dollar is to ORDER our free samples. We'll send them to you today if you submit your request before 4pm, Pacific Time, postage-free! Use the order form below to receive your samples now. All information you provide below will be used SOLELY for the purpose of sending your free samples. We respect your privacy, and will not use this information for anything else.

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